This lesson covers how to play the notes G, C, and High G on the guitar. Watch the video above to learn where to play these notes.

You can use the chart below to help you learn the notes or to help you review the lesson.

The chart has 3 columns.

  • The first column has a fretboard diagram and instructions on where the note is played. Use this to find the note. 
  • The middle column has the note name and a recording of the note. Use this to check your work. Make sure your note sounds the same as the recording.
  • The last column shows and describes where the note is on the musical staff.

If any of the pictures below are too small, you can click or tap on them to open a larger picture.

Finally, at the bottom of the page is a charter with links to NoteRush and Flashnote Derby. You can use these to practice what you've learned!


Name & Audio


A fretboard diagram showing the note Treble G on the open third string of the guitar.

Treble G is played on the Open Third String.

G, or Treble G

The note Treble G on the musical staff.

Treble G is on the second line of the musical staff.

A fretboard diagram showing the note High C on the first fret, second string of the guitar.

Treble C is played on the First fret, Second string.

C, or Treble C

The note Treble C on the musical staff.

Treble C is the second space from the top of the staff.

A fretboard diagram showing the note High G on the third fret, first string of the guitar.

High G is played on the Third fret, First string.

G, or High G

The note High G on the musical staff.

High G sits on top of the staff. It's in a space.

Note Rush

Flashnote Derby

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