
mp3 Downloads of All Suzuki Violin Recordings on iTunes and Amazon 

 August 21, 2019

By  Kale Good

I find it pretty difficult to find to find the Suzuki Guitar Recordings as MP3s on Amazon. Amazon’s search will turn up the hardcopies of the CDs and books pretty easily, but the MP3s are another story. I have also included iTunes links.

The Suzuki Association has a page buried somewhere on their website that announces the availability of digital downloads. It has a link on it for an “Amazon Store Front” that is terrible to navigate. Try it if you dare.

From email exchanges I’ve seen exchanged between Suzuki teachers, it seems that they may also be tricky to find on iTunes (although that may have been a confusion over availability in iTunes for purchase vs. availability on Apple Music for streaming).

To save you, me, and anyone who finds this page the hassle of sorting all that, here they are in nice, easy-to-find format. I’ve bookmarked this page so it’s easy to find.

If the Links Don't Work For You

Try opening these in a web browser rather than opening them in the Amazon or iTunes app. You may need to use a computer rather than a mobile device.

Amazon and iTunes both push people towards their streaming services; if opened in an app, you will be told that these are Unavailable. However, this is a reference the the streaming status. These recordings are unavailable for streaming. However, they are available for purchase

Opening the links in a web browser is the easiest way around it (although you may be able to navigate your way around it in the app).

It should be noted that the MP3 albums are available for purchase but not for streaming.

Kale Good

Educator and Founder of Good Music Academy.

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